Sunday, March 1, 2009

Evernight by Claudia Gray

You know me.  You know I once spent a whole spring term watching every vampire movie I could find at CleanFlicks.  You know that I'm often ashamed of the books I enjoy the most.  Let's just be honest:  this is a vampire book, and I loved it.  Okay actually I can do better than that:  I loved READING it.  I know that it, in itself, is just a ridiculous Twilight knock-off, of very little actual merit.  I get that.  But I also had the time of my freaking life sitting around reading it, and that has to count for something.

Seriously, there is nothing to summarize:  a girl goes to boarding school, oh, it is so creepy, oh, that Lucas guy is so attractive and mysterious, oh, I guess I will start off with a ridiculously Stephanie Meyers-esque little prologue, about how I am in danger but Lucas will save me, and also there are going to be VAMPIRES.  Seriously.  Seriously.  I'm not saying that this is a good book.  But, to give silliness its due, I will say that it is decently written silliness, and it doesn't blindly follow every formulaic plot point that you think it will.  In a pre-Twilight world, the idea would have been a lot more exciting (much as how in a pre-Harry Potter world I might be more willing to give this never-ending, endlessly-promoted-on-BYU-campus Leven Thumps series a break), but, things being what they are, Evernight just doesn't have much to offer except for a guiltily enjoyed 4-5 hours of reading funtimes.


  1. Hmmm. I don't know about this book. I mean, entertaining yeah. I liked Twilight SO MUCH better, and probably not just because it came first. I just cared so much more about the characters in Twilight. But still, this is a fun book, and that one part did surprise me. I'll give you that.

  2. Sorry to blow your cover Kate-but it felt wrong to deprive people! I don't think Stephanie should have a monopoly on fun vampire books so I'm excited to check this out!
