Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Statement of Intent

So, lately Becca has been in a reading mood, and has gone to all kinds of extreme lengths to feed her craving for fun-time, low impact books.  In the pursuit of such she found some girls' website which was full of young adult book reviews and such, and upon perusing it myself I became jealous.  The thing is, I read boatloads of YA lit, and I have some opinions on what is good, and what is not good but still fun, and what is total garbage, and I want a place where I can proclaim these opinions to the world!  And thanks to the Internet, the world will suffer.


  1. What blog was she looking at? I can't subscribe to enough YA book blogs.

  2. I'm tempted to put "And thanks to the Internet, the world will suffer" as a fb status. I won't though.

    P.S. I found your blog doing background reading on Lloyd Alexander for my job.
